Woodside hunting for more gas offshore Myanmar
Australian oil and gas company Woodside is preparing to spud the Shwe Yee Htun-2 appraisal well offshore Myanmar this month.
The well, located in the Block A-6 in Southern Rakhine Basin, will appraise the volume, deliverability, and connectivity of the Shwe Yee Htun gas discovery.
It will also test additional shallower exploration objectives, Woodside said. The original Shwe Yee Htun-1 discovery was announced by Woodside in January 2016.
Elsewhere in Myanmar, Woodside said the Aung Siddhi-1 exploration well in AD-1 had been completed during the quarter.
The well-intersected gas in two primary targets. The upper target intersected a 60 metre gross gas column with an interpreted ten metres of net gas pay, and the lower target intersected a 45 metre gross gas column with an interpreted 16 metres of net gas pay.
Both gas columns have been confirmed through pressure measurements and gas sampling. Assessment is ongoing, Woodside said.
Also, the Dhana Hlaing-1 exploration well in A-7 block spudded on the 26th June 2018 and was plugged and abandoned on the 18th July 2018. Assessment is ongoing there too.
Woodside is one of the largest offshore acreage holders in Myanmar. It has interests in nine offshore blocks across the Rakhine Basin which make up approximately 56,600 square kilometres.
Source: Offshore Energy Today