Victoria passes bill to restart onshore conventional gas exploration
The Victorian Parliament has passed the Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 which enables the restart of onshore conventional gas exploration in the state.
Companies may begin exploration and development work on the 1st July 2021, after a best practice regulatory framework has been put in place.
The restart follows a three-year moratorium during which a detailed scientific investigation was conducted by a government appointed body (the Victorian Gas Programme) overseen by Victoria’s Lead Scientist, Dr Amanda Caples.
The study found that that an onshore conventional gas industry would not compromise the state’s environment or its agricultural sector.
The government plans to work closely with communities, industry and local government to prepare the supporting regulations for the restart of conventional operations.
However, the moratorium on fracturing and coal seam gas exploration is still in place and a bill to enshrine this ban in the Victorian Constitution is going through Parliament.
Source: Oil & Gas Journal