US Senate Democrats, Sanders oppose post-Macondo rule change proposals
Twenty-one US Senate Democrats and Independent Bernie Sanders (Vt) expressed their opposition to what they said are Trump administration plans to roll back offshore blowout preventer (BOP) system and well control regulations imposed following the 2010 Macondo well’s destruction and subsequent massive crude oil spill.
“The move by your department to undermine these protections is endangering the lives of oil workers, posing a serious threat to the environment, and imposing enormous potential liability on taxpayers by ignoring safety,” they said in a letter dated the 18th July to US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
The US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) announced the proposed changes, which were published in the Federal Register on the 11th May, in late April. On the 5th July, it extended the original 60-day comment period on the proposal to the 6th August.
“It is immensely concerning that the initial Regulatory Impact Analysis found that reducing safety requirements somehow ‘would not negatively impact worker safety or the environment,’” Maria Cantwell (D-Wash), the Energy and Natural Resources Committee’s ranking minority member, and the other senators said in their letter.
“More troubling than that faulty logic, [BSEE] should be focused on increasing worker safety and environmental enforcement instead of trying to develop rules which provide no improvement to safety or the environment,” they told Mr Zinke.
Rolling back such critical protections would not only be irresponsible, but dangerous, the senators asserted. “Instead of throwing out common sense safeguards, we should be working to incorporate more lessons learned from tragedies like this to improve safety, oil spill prevention, and response,” they said in their letter.
Source: Oil & Gas Journal