Tendeka continues flow of new technology launches to boost oil recovery

In response to the challenges of effective water injection in fractured reservoirs, independent global completions service company Tendeka has launched a new technology to optimise oil production.


As an addition to their extensive range of advanced inflow control technology, FloFuse can increase oil recovery by improving injected water conformance in fractured reservoirs or by ensuring effective placement of matrix stimulation acids.


When installed across a segmented wellbore, FloFuse autonomously chokes back injection into thief zones or large fractures which dominate the outflow profile and ensures effective injection into the rock matrix or fracture structure. This prevents early water breakthrough into production wells, thereby, increasing total oil recovery and reducing water production.


By triggering at a pre-determined flowrate, it reduces the outflow area in the completion compartment.  Furthermore, the dynamic and reversible operation of the valve makes it suitable for applications where the permeability contrasts change over time, such as in thermally fractured water injection wells and where matrix stimulation is used to improve near wellbore permeability.

Unlike conventional water flood management technologies, FloFuse devices are easy to run in horizontal wells and high rate environments and have a longer life expectancy with less need for maintenance.


Annabel Green, chief technology officer with Tendeka, said: “The benefits of passive injection control devices (ICDs) in injection wells have been well proven but unless the fractures are identified prior to installing the completion device, it has limited ability to effectively distribute outflow.


“We have been able to leverage our extensive experience in advanced inflow control technology to solve this very real industry problem. FloFuse has performed extremely well in simulated operations and static well modelling and we are in discussions with several operators on their applications for 2019.”


“As a global specialist in advanced completions and production optimisation solutions, 2018 has been a momentous year for technology development and deployment,” added Brad Baker, CEO with Tendeka.


“In just 12 months, the launch of a new, demand-led technology, as well as suite of solutions for the unconventional sector, is testament to our team of dedicated and experienced engineers and staff who are committed to creating bespoke solutions to solve the most complex well challenges which our clients face.”


Source: World Oil