Review upgrades North Sea Selene gas resource

Prospective gas reserves have risen for the Selene prospect in the UK southern North Sea following new analysis.


Co-venturers Shell and Deltic Energy, operator of the surrounding P2437 licence, assessed reprocessed 3D seismic over the structure, applying a depth conversion technique and performing a review of the depositional environment, structural history, gas charge timing and potential reservoir quality.


Results have led to an upgrade of gas initially in place (GIIP) volumes, as shown below, with further upside identified.

Future studies will focus on development scenarios, recovery factors, and project economics ahead of a well investment decision for drilling in 2022.


Graham Swindells, CEO of Deltic, said: “The significantly increased gas volumes and decreased risk profile further cements the importance of Selene as one of the largest undrilled Leman sandstone structures in this mature play.”


Source: Offshore Magazine