Providence takes steps to galvanise Barryroe development offshore Ireland
Providence Resources has provided an update on the Barryroe project in the Celtic Sea off southern Ireland.
The company’s Exola DAC subsidiary has notified APEC that it has started the regulatory process for transferring APEC’s 50% equity in standard operating licence (SEL 1/11), containing the Barryroe oil and gas field, back to the original owners.
This would restore to Exola and Lansdowne Celtic Sea their original 80% and 20% interests.
At the same time, Exola has re-started the licence farm-out process various companies are assessing the field data. A review of the field’s potential suggests substantial gas volumes in addition to the recognised oil.
The forward work programme for Barryroe will likely include at least two appraisal wells and an extended production test, designed to confirm either a large oil field with a gas cap or a large gas field surrounded by an oil rim.
In addition, the programme will address uncertainties over reservoir continuity, providing the required information to support development planning ahead of an investment decision.
Current analysis suggests a mid-case of 346 MMboe of 2C resources within the Middle and Basal Wealden sands. In addition, there could be potential in the undrilled Jurassic formation underlying the field.
Deepening one of the appraisal wells to assess this potential is under consideration.
Providence is also examining options for a ‘carbon neutral’ gas development, making use of some of the existing pipelines and infrastructure for nearby gas fields undergoing preparations for decommissioning.
Various studies have been assessing the possibility of carbon sequestration (CO2 storage within the depleted fields), and Barryroe could form part of a broader carbon capture initiative.
Offshore south-west Ireland, Eni has advised Providence that it plans to relinquish its operated interest in frontier exploration licence FEL3/04 in the Porcupine basin containing the Dunquin South prospect.
Dunquin North, drilled by ExxonMobil in July 2013, confirmed both reservoir and residual hydrocarbon within the structure, but the reservoir was breached, allowing hydrocarbon to migrate out of the structure.
According to Providence, Dunquin South appears less likely to have been breached, based on interpretation of 3D seismic over the prospect, and the company will look for a new farm-in partner following Eni’s exit.
Source: Offshore Magazine