Masirah starts production from second Yumna well
Oil and gas company Masirah Oil has started production from the second development well drilled in the Yumna field, which is located in Block 50 offshore Oman. Masirah has also already started drilling the third well.
Masirah Oil holds a 100 per cent interest in the Block 50 Oman concession. Rex International holds an effective interest of 86.37 per cent in Masirah Oil.
The first well, Yumna 1, was spudded on 26 December 2019 and the first oil flowed into an Aframax tanker in February 2020.
The Yumna 2 well was spudded on 10 December 2020 and production started on 23 January 2021.
Source: Offshore Energy Today