Lukoil starts test production from Komandirshorskaya Group

Lukoil has started test production at Komandirshorskoye, North Komandirshorskoye, and West Komandirshorskoye fields of the Komandirshorskaya Group, within the Layskiy Bar, Timan-Pechora oil and gas province, Nenets Autonomous District (north Siberia).


Oil is transported by winter road to the Kharyaginsky central oil and gas gathering point for further treatment.


The Komandirshorskaya Group infrastructure development project envisages construction of a gathering system with capacities for oil and gas treatment, including pipelines, control facilities, measuring units, separator units, tanks, a 35-kw overhead power line, and a substation to deliver power to field facilities.


Initial recoverable reserves of the three fields is estimated at 11 million tons. In addition to reserve development at Nenets Autonomous District, the company plans to develop neighbouring North Mishvanskoye and Simbeyskoye fields in the next few years.


Source: Oil & Gas Journal