Iraq Plans to take over Mansuriyah Gas Field
Oil Minister Jabar Ali al-Luaibi has ordered Iraq’s state-owned oil companies to devise an urgent plan to develop the Mansuriyah (Mansouriya) gas field, following what he described as the delay and the failure of foreign companies to start developing the field.
The field, in Diyala province, was awarded in the third licensing round in 2010 to a consortium of international oil companies consisting of: Turkey’s TPAO (37.5%), Iraq’s Oil Exploration Company (25%), Kuwait Energy (KEC) (22.5%), and the Korean Gas Corporation (Kogas) (15%).
It holds around 127 billion cubic metres of gas. They committed to produce 320 million standard cubic feet of gas a day for US$7 per barrel of oil equivalent produced, the maximum the government would agree to pay.
Source: Iraq Business News