Inventhelp Inventor Develops Improved Way to Generate Energy from Wind (sog-420)
“After observing the existing wind turbines erected across the country, I was struck with the inefficiency of the design & application, and envisioned a better approach,” said an inventor, from Sacramento, California, “so I invented the WIND MASTER TECHNOLOGY.”
The patent pending invention provides a new design for utility scale wind generators. In doing so, it offers an alternative to tower-mounted units with large, low speed impellors.
As a result, it increases efficiency and output and it could reduce threats to birds. The invention features an effective design which is safe and easy to maintain so it is ideal for electric utility companies. Additionally, it is producible in design variations.
The inventor described the invention design. “My design provides a safe and efficient wind turbine option.”
The original design was submitted to the Sacramento sales office of InventHelp.
It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers.
Source: Global Energy World