Double E natural gas pipeline approved by FERC
Summit Midstream Partners LP’s (SMLP) Double E Pipeline LLC, a joint venture in which SMLP owns a 70% operating interest, has received US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approval to build and operate its 1.35-bcfd Double E Pipeline.
Double E will deliver natural gas from Delaware basin in south-east New Mexico and west Texas to delivery points near Waha in Reeves and Pecos Counties, Texas.
Upon fulfilling certain remaining requirements, including finalising a right-of-way grant from the Bureau of Land Management and filing an implementation plan with FERC, Double E expects to receive FERC’s notice to proceed with construction.
This notice to proceed is expected within the next 90 days.
Double E will consist of 135.2 miles of pipe including:
- 3 miles of 30-inch OD trunkline from Summit’s Lane processing plant in Eddy County, New Mexico, to the proposed Poker Lake meter station also in Eddy County
- 2 miles of 42-inch OD line from the Poker Lake station through Loving, Ward, and Reeves Counties, Texas., ending at Waha
- 4 miles of 42-inch OD pipeline from the Summit’s Waha site to the final delivery location in Pecos County, Texas
- 3 miles of 30-inch OD lateral from existing Loving processing plants to the proposed trunkline in Eddy County, New Mexico
ExxonMobil Permian Double E Pipeline LLC owns the other 30% of Double E pipeline.
Source: Oil & Gas Journal