Deloitte Report on Kurdistan Region Oil and Gas
The KRG has published the reports containing verified statistics covering the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports, consumption and revenues for covering period 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021.
During the first half of 2021, the KRG exported 77.35 million barrels through Kurdistan Export Pipeline. In addition, 3.95 million barrels were allocated to local refineries. Of the exported crude oil, 76.869 million barrels were lifted by the buyers from Ceyhan Export Terminal, at an average price of 53.446 $/bbl.
The KRG has generated revenues of US$4.1 billion from crude oil export sales during the first half of 2021. After making payments to oil producers, pipeline operators, and repayments to the buyers, the KRG retained net revenues from crude oil sales of US$ 1.737 billion.
The KRG is has engaged in discussions with international buyers and oil producers in continuing its efforts to maximize sales prices and reduce production costs to maximise value for the people of Kurdistan.
Transparency is central to the cabinet’s agenda. The report, available in Kurdish, English and Arabic, provides a quarterly analysis of oil export information and average prices which have been independently reviewed and verified by Deloitte.
The KRG acknowledges the positive feedback received from domestic and international stakeholders. The council reiterates its commitment to the people of Kurdistan that Deloitte will continue to independently review and verify the statistics of the Kurdistan Region’s oil and gas sector.
A frequently asked questions handbook (also available in Kurdish, English and Arabic) has also been developed to help readers to understand the report’s contents.
Click here to download the reports.
Source: Iraq Business News