Block Energy signs agreement for multi-well workover programme in Georgia

Block Energy, the exploration and production company focused on the Republic of Georgia, has signed a service agreement for the provision of an advanced downhole perforation technology with a proven record of significantly enhancing recovery rates.


The agreement gives Block exclusive access to the specialist drilling tool throughout eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia.


The company will use the technology, which arrived onsite at Block’s operations in Georgia on the 7th December, to re-complete up to eight wells at its 100% owned Norio licence, part of an initial work programme targeting an increase in production at the field to 250 bopd by the first half of 2019.


Block has selected the tool, which is new to Georgia, over conventional perforation technologies which have had mixed success in the country. It promises to enhance recovery rates significantly by facilitating wellbore communication with reservoirs, creating a relatively small horizontal borehole (about one inch in diameter) milled through the casing wall then drilled several feet into the formation.


The tool, which has been used by many operators since it was introduced in the 1990s, can drill at multiple levels and orientations in the course of a single run into the hole and can achieve up to eight or more penetrations.


The company has signed Heads of Terms for an agreement pursuant to which Block will help promote the technology to other exploration and production companies operating within the region, and so earn a net royalty of 10% from revenue the tool’s suppliers earn through Block’s marketing activities. The Terms also include the option of a Joint Venture Agreement pursuant to which Block would become the exclusive provider of the technology within the region.


Paul Haywood, Director of Block Energy, said: ‘This specialist tool is potentially game-changing for Block, offering a reliable and cost-effective alternative to conventional perforating technology, which to date has produced mixed results in Georgia. We look forward to deploying this highly robust and deployable technology with a proven record of generating significant production increases wherever it has been used and are confident it will help us achieve our initial objective of significantly scaling up Norio production to 250 bopd.


‘The agreement supplements our production programme by opening a significant new source of revenue for the company. Block will take the lead in demonstrating the technology’s effectiveness and reliability in the field, and so qualify for a 10% net royalty stream flowing from use of the tool within the region by other operators.


‘The proposed Joint Venture Agreement, making us exclusive provider of the technology throughout the region, will put us in a stronger negotiating position when farming in to new opportunities.


‘As reported in our recent operations update (the 5th December 2018), we have successfully re-entered three wells at Norio and are rigging up a fourth in preparation for the tool to be deployed to the field. I look forward to updating the market as our work programme progresses.’


Source: Energy-pedia