Anglo African Oil & Gas announces publication of independent report for Tilapia field
Anglo African Oil & Gas has announced the publication of a report, commissioned from Havoc Partners, a team of geoscientists in Australia, to evaluate the results of the TLP-103C well in the Tilapia field in the Republic of the Congo.
In drafting the report, Havoc reviewed the interpretations by Schlumberger and Nutech of the wireline logs taken from the TLP-103C well.
The report states that ‘both reports have concluded that reservoir quality is between good and excellent, which supports a commercial decision to implement a plan to seek to produce from the Djeno.’
The report is available to view on the Company’s website. See link below.
AAOG is therefore developing a plan to produce from the Djeno via a re-entry of the TLP-103C well.
Further announcements will be made in this regard in due course.
David Sefton, Executive Chairman, commented: ‘This report supports our view that we can achieve the Company’s original and primary goal of producing oil from the Djeno. The team is finalising the operational logistics to achieve this and we intend rapidly to implement the production plan.’
Click here to view a copy of the report: TLP-103C – Review of the CPI Analyses
Source: Energy-pedia