Eni Spuds Well in Central North Sea

Eni UK Limited has begun drilling the Rowallan exploration well in the Central North Sea, partner Serica Energy plc announced on the 31st December.


The Rowallan exploration well 22/19c-G targets the high-pressure, high-temperature gas condensate Rowallan prospect in the east of Block 22/19c.


The well, which is being drilled by the Ensco 121 heavy-duty jack-up, is designed to go through sandstones at the Middle Jurassic and Triassic levels. It’s estimated that Serica’s net Rowallan prospective resources will be 20 to 60 million barrels of oil equivalent within Block 22/19c.


If Rowallan’s drilling is successful, there is upside potential from nearby Dundonald and Sundrum prospects, which are geologically similar to Rowallan.


The Rowallan is expected to take about 140 days to drill and an update will be provided once initial results are known.


Serica is fully carried for Rowallan and is partnered with Eni UK Limited (the operator), JX Nippon Exploration and Production (UK) Limited and Mitsui.


Source: Rigzone