Wood outlines next-phase priorities for subsea network

Wood has extended the SURF IM Network, which the company formed in 2014 with a view to sharing experience and lessons learned from subsea integrity and reliability issues.


The initiative is at present supported by BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Hess, Husky, Petronas, Shell, Suncor, Total, and Woodside.


SURF IM facilitates face-to-face forums, the focus areas including subsea hardware, component failures, operations experience, and emerging inspection and condition monitoring technologies.


Collectively seeking to gain a better understanding of how to mitigate subsea production system failures will potentially bring operators significant cost savings while ensuring safer operations, Wood added.


The network is said to benefit both members and the supply chain, encouraging innovative solutions to address challenges.


Bob MacDonald, CEO of Wood’s Specialist Technical Solutions business, said: “In previous phases of the network, we have successfully worked to address key issues affecting the sector, including subsea control module reliability, choke valve reliability and cost efficiencies in a low oil price environment.


“The next phase will focus on a range of subsea integrity and reliability challenges, including life extension risk, degradation of electrical distribution systems, interventions and remediation strategies.”


The previous SURF IM joint industry project identified key failure mechanisms, investigated inspection and monitoring technologies, and developed best practice guidelines for subsea facilities.


Source: Offshore Magazine