Faroe: Tambar wells online; exceed expectations

Two new infill wells drilled this year on the Tambar field offshore Norway, have been brought online, Faroe Petroleum, a partner in the Aker BP-operated field said on the 27th April.


Faroe said the two new development wells’ initial performance exceeded pre-drill expectations.


“During the fourteen days since both new wells have been on stable production, the Tambar field has produced at an average flow rate of about 18,507 boepd,” the company said.


The Tambar development project consists of two new infill wells, both of which have now been completed and put on-stream, and the installation of gas lift in three existing wells, which is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2018, to increase overall field life, production and reserves.


The two infill wells targeted undrained areas in the north and south of Tambar, which had been identified through application of a number of different modelling techniques, including 4D seismic technology. The initial flow rates from the two infill wells have exceeded pre-drill expectations.


On the 20th April, Faroe said it reached a record net production level of about 19,275 boepd.


The 2018 overall production guidance currently remains unchanged at 12-15,000 boepd average for the year.


Faroe said the higher rate of production resulting from the new Tambar wells counters the lower than expected overall production in the first quarter, notably in relation to the previously announced temporary loss of production from the Trym field, caused by a down-stream export fault which has now been rectified, and the scheduled cessation of production from Oselvar, for which the company is being compensated.

Graham Stewart, CEO of Faroe Petroleum, said the new production wells have increased Tambar production “markedly” and, combined with the ongoing installation of gas lift, this will potentially lead to the extension of Tambar field life by up to ten years.


Source: Offshore Energy Today