Ineos Oil & Gas forms six business units
Ineos Oil & Gas has organised its holdings into six business units.
The division of chemical giant Ineos, London, has grown rapidly through acquisitions in the North Sea and UK onshore since 2015.
The new units are:
- Ineos Oil & Gas Denmark, with offices and operations in Esbjerg and Gentofte, managing operated and non-operated properties acquired from DONG Energy. Flemming Horn Nielsen is chief executive officer
- Ineos Oil & Gas Norway, Stavanger. Sebastian Koks Andreassen is CEO
- Ineos Oil & Gas UK, London, with David Brooks as CEO. The unit oversees Breagh-area assets in the southern North Sea and properties acquired from DONG Energy, most in the West of Shetlands area
- Ineos FPS, including the Forties Pipeline System and related properties, including the Kinneil terminal and gas processing plant. Andrew Garnder is CEO
- Ineos Shale, London, with licenses covering more than 1.3 million acres in England and Scotland. Ron Coyle is CEO
- Ineos Upstream Services, a new venture based in London which will offer “a broad range” of services to Ineos and others. The unit currently has equipment for onshore seismic surveying, well stimulation, and well testing. Geoff Holmes is chief operating officer.