Chevron starts production at Sarta well in Kurdistan

Chevron has started production of the Sarta-2 well at Sarta field in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, partner Genel Energy said on the 8th March.


Gross field production is more than 10,000 b/d. Field production is expected to increase from the existing two producing wells as facility optimisation continues after production start-up.


The block covers an area of 90,000 net acres (363 sq km) and the main reservoir is Lower Jurassic Mus-Adayah.


The 2021 appraisal drilling campaign is scheduled to begin at the start of this year’s second quarter, with the Sarta-5 and Sarta-6 wells set to be drilled back to back.


Chevron is operator of the Sarta production sharing contract (50%) with partners Genel Energy (30%) and the Kurdistan Regional Government (20%).


Source: Oil & Gas Journal