Report details ROV/AUV requirements
ClassNK has issued its “Guidelines for ROV/AUV,” including performance and safety requirements.
Until recently, the underwater vehicles have been used mainly used for offshore oil and gas field development and oceanographic surveys, but are now used increasingly for maintaining offshore wind power generation facilities and pipelines.
However, according to the classification society, there has been no international standardisation of such technologies.
ClassNK’s guidelines determine requirements concerning equipment and basic items typically required for operating ROVs and AUVs, also detailing precautions and safety measures, based on knowledge obtained through demonstration experiments.
In addition, the guidelines explain related terms, classifications, and examples of applications for use as introductory material on ROVs/AUVs. This includes the requirement for ROV service suppliers; procedures at ship surveys such as internal hull examinations of flooded compartments, and damage verification.
Class NK plans to seek the opinions and feedback of users and to continue to update the guidelines to meet the needs for safety standards development and third-party certification.
Source: Offshore Magazine