Moroccan Ministry supportive of Anchois gas proposals

Chariot Oil & Gas and partner ONHYM have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Morocco’s Ministry of Industry, Trade and Green and Digital Economy.


The MoU signals the Ministry’s support of the partners’ offshore Anchois gas development as potentially providing significant volumes to Morocco’s gas market.


According to Chariot, the Ministry is actively promoting use of natural gas extracted in Morocco to help the Kingdom fulfil goals for industrial development, decarbonisation of its economy, diversification of its energy mix, and reduced dependence on imported fuels.


The parties plan to progress discussions with the goal of signing further agreements, which could be with other Moroccan authorities, on the Anchois gas development.


Anchois is in the Lixus licence off the Atlantic coast, just south of Spain. Anchois contains audited resources of more than one tcf, sampled as 97% methane, without impurities, and contained in good-quality porous and permeable sandstone reservoirs.


Current plans call for two subsea wells tied into a subsea manifold with a 40-km (25-mile) offshore flowline connected to an onshore gas processing facility. From there another 40-km pipeline would link to a trunkline gas system to Europe.


Source: Offshore Magazine