Sardinia LNG terminal nears completion
Construction of Higas SRL’s LNG terminal at the port of Oristano, western Sardinia, is in its final phase. The terminal, Sardinia’s first, is expected to enter service first-half 2021, operated and maintained by Reganosa.
The terminal includes a jetty capable of receiving LNG vessels up to 20,000 cu m, an unloading arm, six 1,500-cu m horizontal cryogenic holding tanks, two LNG truck loading bays, and a natural gas power generation system.
The terminal will be able to load more than 8,000 LNG trucks each year (~180,000 tonnes) for subsequent distribution to satellite stations across the island.
Sardinia currently lacks a system of access to natural gas and only a small number of industrial customers receive LNG by truck brought to the island by ferry.
Reganosa will also operate the 1.7-million tpy Tema LNG terminal six km offshore Ghana. Tema took delivery of its floating regasification unit in January 2021 and is expected to enter service this quarter.
Source: Oil & Gas Journal