GTT technology recognised by Bureau Veritas
GTT has obtained two Approvals in Principle (AIP) from Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification.
The first approval is related to the ‘NH3 Ready’ classification of Mark III membrane tanks. This AIP recognises that the Mark III system, without any major design changes, is suitable for the subsequent containment of ammonia in LNG as fuel applications.
Over the course of the AIP study, a compatibility assessment with ammonia has been carried out for the primary barrier of Mark III technology and a test campaign has been performed to determine the level of reinforcement of the containment system to take into account the higher density of ammonia compared to LNG.
The second approval obtained from Bureau Veritas relates to the higher design pressure of 1 barg in LNG as fuel applications, such as large container vessels. Thanks to an already existing alternative design of membrane tanks with specific dome reinforcement, this approval gives shipowners more flexibility in all their operations.
These approvals demonstrate GTT’s ability to offer shipowners a flexible and future-proof solution enabling them to secure their investment with regard to changes in the supply chain and environmental regulation.
Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, said: “Being NH3 Ready, and the alternative 1 barg design, once again underline the importance of our ability to continuously innovate, in order to provide our customers with even more reliable, performant, safe and flexible technologies.
“GTT targets bringing increased flexibility to shipowners required to adapt as well and as quickly as possible to an ever-changing fuel world. While we are convinced that LNG is the solution of choice for cleaning-up ship emissions even further, we have to take into consideration that ammonia, coming from green hydrogen, could bring additional reductions in emissions. In offering ammonia compatibility, we open the perspective to owners of a much longer period for ship amortisation.”
Matthieu de Tugny, President, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, added: “Bureau Veritas is helping the industry prepare for the future fuel landscape. It is therefore exciting to support GTT in their continued journey of innovation. Our role is to help the industry understand – and address – both risk and opportunity as we look for energy transition solutions.
“It is a pleasure to be awarding this first approval for an ammonia membrane containment tank system, based on the tried and trusted Mark III technology, to GTT. Bureau Veritas has made significant investments in expertise to help manage the challenges of the energy transition. This expertise continues to be enhanced and we look forward to being able to share it with our stakeholders to find solutions to the challenges we face.”
Source: LNG Industry Magazine